Do you know what commenting is? Do you know how to comment? You probably answered yes to both of those questions right? Do you really know how to comment though? Most likely, you don’t. Good comments should not read, “Good job!!!” or ,”I love it!”. Here you will find,“The Do’s and Don’ts of Commenting” . A good comment should look like this…
Hello, I usually would not read anything about basketball ,because i’m not interested in it, but I decided to read this. It was definitely worth my time! It was great,but You forgot to indent and your capitalization was not the best like in the second sentence you put, “i think it is a really fun sport.” over all it was really interesting though.
Here are the steps to make a good, sturdy comment;
- click on a post you think sounds interesting.
Read the post =↓
Scroll until you see leave a comment and do the obvious (leave a comment)
- Only put your first name and last incitial in when it asks for your name.
- put your email in ( and write the spam word if necessary.)
- submit your comment.
- wait for your comment to be approved!!!
Things to remember while commenting:
- Do not give out any personal info.
- Stay on topic .
- Check for grammar and punctuation mistakes.
- Use complete sentences.
- do not over use punctuation, one exploitation mark is enough.
- Complement the writer.
I hope this helped you figure out how to comment.Remember to write good comments and not just “Great!!!”.Make sure you be kind when you comment too.You can tell people what they did wrong,But just don’t be mean about it.Thank you for reading my blog ,I hope you liked it!